Sunsilk is now infused with oils. Oils have been traditionally used in many aspects of beauty.  We first started with this key visual. The designed effect of the po; streams are then translated into the tv scripts to come.

The first direction of the tv was 'shush', with the secret behind your beautiful hair being Sunsilk, and Tom Taw is the co-creator of that formula. He understands hair and he is also recognized as a friendly and trustworthy hair expert.

That direction then changed to hair language. How hair could be more expressive after the new Sunsilk formula. Suzene has very long hair and she is sensitive in understanding how hair works in communication. The above animatic was very well received by the clients and also focus groups. This went ahead into production but Suzene did not art direct the shoot as this global campaign coincided with the other 3  Southeast Asia films she was shooting. Her ECD went to shoot it instead.

Not when Suzene had imagined in her animatic but here it is.


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