During my stay at The Datai, I realised that the collaterals are very corporate. Even the little nature guide book found in the rooms was selling the guided tours. I think it is important to generate revenue but it should be effortless and not hard sell. One of the ideas I had was to create a guide book for The Datai.

Apart from the free nature walk in the morning and the evening with the legendary naturist Irshad, there are not many activities. I guess if you want any form of activities you had come to the wrong place. But this guide puts you back in touch with nature. It will help you to appreciate nature more and perhaps on another level.

There are recipes using very local ingredients and even ingredients one can see growing wild around The Datai. This is Malaysia at its best, making use of what is available in the rainforest, showing the codependence of Man and Nature.
The guide book is designed like a scrap book. These are photographed spreads of scrap books. They show the flora and insects you can expect to see at The Datai.
This is the reason why I call it a 'guide journal'. It is not just a guide. It is also interactive. On the left is a photograph of a spread of a pressed flower, and on the right is a blank spread where you can press your own little finds.
On the left again is a photograph of a spread with feathers of common birds found at The Datai, On the right is a blank spread where you can collect your own.
A photographed spread of a scrap book where you can doodle, draw, or pen your random thoughts.


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